Testosterone Therapy Benefits for Men and Women
As the adult population continues to age, and life expectancy increases to new levels, it is crucial to look at ways to maintain vitality and healthfulness. For many people, that means turning to testosterone therapy benefits. If you are one of the men and women nationwide suffering from testosterone deficiency, then Low T treatment could be a game changer.
The benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) do not extend only to men. Although females produce significantly less testosterone in their bodies, they need testosterone just as much as males. Because their testosterone levels are lower, women are even more susceptible to symptoms from even the slightest decrease.
We sometimes hear from people who receive no benefits from testosterone therapy. The first question we ask in this situation is where they got the testosterone. There are three typical responses to this question:
- Off the internet
- From their general physician
- From someone they know
When purchasing testosterone off the internet without a doctor’s prescription, there is no way of knowing if what you receive is high-quality, real testosterone. Counterfeit testosterone is common online. The only safe way to purchase testosterone is from a licensed US pharmacy.
Getting testosterone from someone else or a family doctor is also not the best option. Only a hormone specialist should determine the appropriate treatment after a careful review of comprehensive blood tests and physical examination. Taking the wrong dose of testosterone, or not using specific other medications with it (especially men) can result in a general lack of testosterone replacement therapy benefits.
Testosterone therapy benefits men and women with Low T.
Testosterone Therapy Benefits for Men
We most often associate testosterone therapy benefits with men because testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. However, promoting a healthy sex life is only a small part of what testosterone does for the male body.
What is the benefit of testosterone therapy for men?
When it comes to benefits, testosterone replacement therapy for men typically brings the following results:
- More energy and better endurance
- Improved lean muscle tone, mass, and strength
- Sharper memory and brain functions
- Better focus and productivity
- Increased bone density
- Enhanced red blood cell production
- Improved sexual drive and performance (erectile functions)
- More powerful orgasms
- Better mood
- Reduced feeling of depression
- Lower total and LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- Deeper, more restful sleep
- Decreased cortisol and stress levels
- Improved hair growth
- Weight loss and better metabolism of food
Testosterone therapy benefits a man’s appearance, physique, emotional state, libido, and mental functions.
Testosterone Therapy Benefits for Women
Women also experience a decrease in testosterone production beginning in their twenties and peaking during menopause. That is the time when Low T becomes most noticeable. What are the benefits of testosterone therapy for females?
As with males, many of the testosterone therapy benefits are similar – such as weight loss, better sex drive, and stronger bones and muscles. Everyone will see these improvements as they are basic functions of testosterone. Enhanced focus, sharper memory, deeper sleep, and a better outlook are all positive aspects of increasing testosterone levels.
Of course, there are also some benefits of testosterone therapy for women that have nothing to do with the male body, such as:
- Improved vaginal lubrication
- Reduction in PMS symptoms
- Decrease in menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats
Testosterone therapy is crucial for women with Low T as it helps strengthen their bones. Another positive aspect is red blood cell production which could reverse anemia.
Because the body naturally converts some excess free testosterone into estrogen, TRT can help improve estrogen levels without subsequent treatment. Testosterone therapy (along with an estrogen blocker) is also safe for women who cannot receive estrogen therapy.
Testosterone therapy benefits women by strengthening their bones, muscles, brain functions, libido, and more.
Health Benefits of Testosterone Therapy
As important to a person’s quality of life as the testosterone therapy benefits already mentioned are, there is something more to the reason why treatment for Low T is essential. That something is overall health and well-being.
The health benefits of testosterone replacement therapy extend way beyond daily life. For men, testosterone protects the prostate gland. It should come as no surprise that the prostate increases in size as testosterone levels decline. Considerable research has shown that there is no increased risk of prostate cancer with testosterone use. If anything, TRT has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer for many men.
Other long-term benefits of testosterone therapy for the health include:
- Reducing the risk of fractures due to osteoporosis. By strengthening the bones, both directly and indirectly through estrogen conversion, testosterone helps to decrease the incidence of osteoporosis in men and women.
- Decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. Testosterone helps to normalize blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, reducing arterial blockage. Since testosterone also supports red blood cell production, it decreases anemia and improves circulation to benefit heart health.
- Through its impact on the metabolism, testosterone therapy helps with weight loss, reducing the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. For the latter, testosterone also helps influence insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake.
- Because testosterone acts on the androgen receptors in the brain, it can improve cognitive functions, endorphin release, and support emotional well-being. Long before anti-depressants, doctors used testosterone to treat depression.
To learn more about how testosterone therapy benefits can help you, please contact RXHormone medical clinic for a confidential consultation at no charge.