Testosterone Injections Uses for Adults
Testosterone injections are one of the most common methods of increasing testosterone levels in men. Some males find that by the time they reach their forties or fifties, their testosterone production has decreased to the point where low testosterone levels are affecting their lives. When that happens, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is often the best option.
What are testosterone injections?
Testosterone injections contain a bioidentical synthetic form of testosterone suspended in an ester. For testosterone cypionate, the longer lasting of the two recommended forms of testosterone shots, the ester is cottonseed oil. It releases slower than the sesame oil used in testosterone enanthate injections.
How long do these two types of testosterone injections last?
For most men, testosterone cypionate reaches its half-life in approximately 8 days. That means that only half the amount of testosterone is left at that point. For testosterone enanthate, the number is 4 days. Because testosterone enters the bloodstream slowly over many days, the injection cycle is once every 10 to 14 days for testosterone cypionate, once every 5 to 7 days for testosterone enanthate.
How do testosterone injections work?
Once a man injects testosterone into his muscle (typically the thigh when administered at home), the testosterone slowly separates from the ester and absorbs into the bloodstream. At that point, some of the testosterone remains free and binds to nearby androgen receptors. The testosterone molecule must be in the free state to bind with the receptors to engage its activity. Additional testosterone attaches to one of two proteins for transport through the bloodstream. Testosterone is fat soluble so it cannot move freely through the blood on its own. It requires either sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) or albumin to carry it towards other androgen receptors. Injected testosterone acts just like natural testosterone once in the bloodstream.
Do testosterone injections hurt?
Testosterone injections are not much different than other types of shots. Because they must go into a muscle, the needle is a bit longer than subcutaneous injections. Also, since the testosterone medication is on the thicker side, the needle used is also a little larger, and it takes a brief time to propel the testosterone out of the syringe and into the muscle. The pain is not severe, nor does it last long. Most men describe it as somewhat of a small pinch or pinprick type of pain. It subsides rapidly. There may be a little pain, irritation, sensitivity, or itching around the injection site, but that will also go away on its own. With practice, most men become adept at giving themselves their testosterone shots and report no issues.
Testosterone injections are a superior method of treating low testosterone levels in aging men.
Testosterone Injections for Men
You may be wondering about the importance of testosterone injections for men. Testosterone is one of the most essential hormones in a male’s body – but not necessarily for the reasons you think.
Yes, testosterone is the hormone that makes a man – a man. It puts hair on your chest, deepens your voice, and fuels your sex drive. We also know that testosterone has anabolic properties that help support muscle growth and strength. That is also why it is sometimes abused by athletes and bodybuilders.
However, did you also know that testosterone is vital for the following functions:
- Maintaining healthy red blood cell production to support circulation
- Keeping bone density from declining and preventing osteoporosis and fractures
- Supporting metabolic activity to avoid weight gain and obesity-related illnesses
- Ensuring that your brain continues to function properly, protecting memory and guarding against diseases such as Alzheimer’s
- Helping balance your emotional state and reducing the risk of depression, stress, anxiety, and mood swings
- Keeping cortisol levels low to support restful sleep, hormone production, and energy levels
Now that you see the powerful functions of testosterone, you are likely beginning to understand what to expect from testosterone injections. If your body is low in testosterone, you will likely feel fatigued, have little desire for sex, and probably gain weight. Additionally, you may be forgetful, moody, and anemic.
With testosterone injections, you can expect a reversal in all those symptoms, resulting in better sleep and energy. Your overall quality of life will improve exponentially.
Testosterone injections for men support red blood cell production, metabolism, bone density protection, sexual desire, muscle mass, and brain functions.
Testosterone Injections for Women
Unlike men with Low T, testosterone injections for women do not have the same use. The female body produces much less testosterone than the male body. While maintaining adequate levels of testosterone are just as important, it does not take the same amount in supplementation.
The strength and dosage of testosterone injections are too high for a woman. The hormone specialist will likely prescribe compounded testosterone cream to females with diagnosed low testosterone levels.
There is a time when testosterone injections may be beneficial for a woman – hormone specific breast cancer. For women with positive metastatic breast cancer who become refractory to other treatments, testosterone injections may provide some benefits. That is a subject to address with one’s oncologist.
Testosterone injections are too strong to serve as a treatment option for women with Low T. Testosterone cream is the better choice.
What Are the Different Types of Testosterone Injections?
We have addressed the two most popular types of testosterone injections already – testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate. However, you may have also heard of the following three types of injectable testosterone that we do not recommend here at RXHormone:
- Testosterone undecanoate (Aveed) – the newest type of injectable testosterone on the market is Aveed, which can only be given in a doctor’s office. Although testosterone undecanoate can last in the bloodstream for up to 10 weeks after initial loading, its risks of a severe allergic reaction, pulmonary oil microembolism (POME), and anaphylaxis make it too dangerous to recommend. Since it also carries an extremely high price tag, this is not an option we believe advantageous to men with Low T.
- Testosterone propionate – with a half-life of only 2 to 3 days and rapid absorption into the bloodstream, testosterone propionate is not a good choice for long-term use. A man would have to inject testosterone propionate every few days, which would be a costly and somewhat painful endeavor. Side effects risk also increases with long-term testosterone propionate use.
- Aqueous testosterone solution – this form of testosterone is the only one without an ester. That causes it to be immediately absorbed into the bloodstream. Daily and somewhat more painful injections would be required. The risk of side effects also increases significantly with this option, as does the cost.
The only types of testosterone injections recommended for regular treatment of Low T are testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate.
Are Testosterone Injections Safe?
The safety of testosterone therapy is an issue worthy of discussion. Are testosterone injections safe for most men? Yes, if they receive a diagnosis of low testosterone from their hormone specialist. Testosterone therapy should only be administered when both the following criteria are met:
- Laboratory verified low testosterone levels – can be in the lower end of the normal reference range
- Symptoms associated with testosterone deficiency
Testosterone injections should only be purchased through licensed US pharmacies to ensure the safety of the medication.
Stopping testosterone injections is another issue to address. Because supplemental testosterone use tends to inhibit natural testosterone production, your hormone doctor will likely prescribe other medications to help promote testicular testosterone secretion. For the well-being of your body, always work with a hormone specialist to start and stop testosterone therapy.
Testosterone use is safe when administered under the supervision of a hormone specialist.
How Long Do Testosterone Injections Take to Work?
Testosterone therapy results will vary from one man to the next due to how individual bodies metabolize the testosterone. There are also different time frames for each of the various benefits. For example, most males will find that their mood begins to improve during the first few weeks of testosterone use. They will be sleeping better at night and have more energy during the day. By the time the first month of treatment is up, it is likely that sex drive, and sexual thoughts will improve.
When asking how long do testosterone injections take to work, it is beneficial to check out our testosterone therapy timeline for a look at what to expect from individual results. You can expect your benefits to come within a month or so of each listed result.
Testosterone injections begin working soon after administration. Some men feel a bit of a boost within a day or two of their first injection. You will likely notice positive changes beginning during your first month of treatment.
To learn more about testosterone injections, please contact RXHormone medical center for a free, confidential consultation.