Human Growth Hormone for Fertility

There is more to the “biological clock” than many people realize. While it is possible for men to father a child well into old age, the same cannot be said for women. The biological clock that ticks down throughout a woman’s thirties does so, in part, because human growth hormone levels decline during that time. Yes, men are also subject to the same decrease in HGH levels, and that can affect male fertility, as well. The use of human growth hormone for fertility is giving some couples the stimulus their bodies need to conceive a child.

Parenting is often pushed back further as careers take center stage during the twenties and thirties. By the time many people feel well-settled in their careers, their bodies begin to work against them. Many couples do not even wed until later in their thirties. By this time, men have already seen a significant drop in both HGH and testosterone levels. Women have fewer eggs left than when they were in their twenties. The stress of trying to conceive a child often exacerbates the situation.

With low levels of HGH, fertility often declines. By the time a woman reaches her mid-thirties, the ability to conceive becomes more difficult.

The Bottom Line: Declining HGH levels can make it harder for a couple to conceive after age thirty-five. Using human growth hormone for fertility can improve both male and female fertility.

Human Growth Hormone and Male Infertility

It is not just testosterone that fuels male fertility. Low HGH levels can also be to blame. How can growth hormone deficiency cause infertility in men? It is through human growth hormone’s impact on the testes and testosterone that fertility becomes an issue.

To conceive a child, you need both an ova (mature egg) and sperm. The process of sperm production occurs in the testes, but has its basis in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland as shown below:

  • The process begins in the hypothalamus which measures the level of testosterone in the bloodstream. If low testosterone levels are detected, the hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone into the bloodstream. GnRH then travels through the blood to the pituitary gland.
  • Along with GnRH, the hypothalamus also sends growth hormone-releasing hormone to the pituitary gland, as well.
  • GnRH delivery signals the pituitary gland to secrete follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone into the bloodstream. GHRH promotes the production of human growth hormone that will also enter the blood supply.
  • FSH and LH then travel to the testes to initiate production of testosterone and sperm. Luteinizing hormone is the stimulator of testosterone, and follicle-stimulating hormone signals sperm production. Testosterone produced in the testes then promotes the process known as spermatogenesis – sperm cell maturation.
  • The role of human growth hormone for fertility for males is two-fold: stimulating testosterone production and also aiding in spermatogenesis. Insulin growth factor 1, a hormone secreted by the liver in response to HGH levels aids in the process, as do other peptides, proteins, and hormones.

Without enough HGH, male fertility will suffer. IGF-1 also helps to promote semen production in the testes. Men who receive testosterone therapy will not see an increase in sperm development. Only testosterone produced by the testes can aid spermatogenesis. That is why when using HGH for growth hormone treatment, fertility rates often improve in men.

The Bottom Line: HGH helps to improve male fertility by stimulating testosterone production and aiding in spermatogenesis.

Human Growth Hormone for Fertility


Human Growth Hormone and Female Fertility

The process of female fertility is not much different from that of a male. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone supplies the same signals to the pituitary gland to secrete luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. That is where the difference occurs:

  • FSH enters the ovaries and promotes the growth of ovarian follicles.
  • LH works within the ovaries to stimulate the release of the mature eggs.
  • The role of human growth hormone for fertility in females is to work with IGF-1 to increase the sensitivity of the ovaries to gonadotropin stimulation, as well as aiding in the development of the follicles.

When studying fertility and female growth hormone levels, researchers discovered that the eggs (oocytes) taken from the follicles of women who have low HGH levels are less fertile than women who have normal growth hormone levels.

For some women who receive treatment with HGH, fertility rates improve without the need for other therapeutic options.

The Bottom Line: HGH plays a critical role in female fertility and the development of ovarian follicles.

Additional Benefits of Human Growth Hormone for Fertility

Human growth hormone fertility treatment brings other benefits that more conventional methods of treating infertility do not carry. Of course, you would only receive HGH for fertility if you have diagnosed low levels of human growth hormone. HGH injection therapy only helps when a deficiency is present. When used to treat HGH deficiency and infertility, here are some of the other benefits that men and women can expect:

  • HGH helps improve sleep which aids in emotional well-being, energy levels, and enhancing hormone production
  • Human growth hormone reduces stress which lowers cortisol levels that impede HGH and testosterone production

Trying to conceive a child is a stressful time for couples dealing with infertility. Higher cortisol levels only make the situation worse. Human growth hormone supplements – HGH injections – help restore hormonal balance, lowering cortisol levels and reducing the stress you feel. With lower stress, it becomes easier to fall asleep at night so that the body has more time to produce crucial HGH and testosterone hormones necessary for fertility.

RX Hormone is here to answer your questions about the role of human growth hormone for fertility and how HGH injections might help you. Our doctors are hormone specialists ready to provide the necessary diagnostic tests and treatments that your body needs.