HCG injections can help adults lose stubborn fat at a rapid pace when combined with a very low-calorie diet. HCG weight loss requires both those factors – HCG injections and a restricted dietary protocol. Either option used on its own will not accomplish the desired goal.
Numerous factors influence weight gain as well as the ability to burn through stored fat reserves. Keeping off the lost weight is an entirely different scenario. So many people regain the weight they lose on diets, making it even harder to lose the next time around. Factors to consider include dietary choices, food preparation, exercise, and hormone levels. Even if you watch everything you eat and exercise daily, you may still gain weight. Many times, hormonal imbalances are to blame for an inability to lose unwanted fat.
What is even worse is that as you age, your body tends to pull energy from muscle tissue rather than stored fat to make up for any decrease in caloric intake. Although the scale may show a difference, the change is merely in the fat to lean body mass ratio. Instead of losing body fat, you see a decline in critical muscle mass.
When hormonal imbalances are involved, correcting them often brings desired weight loss. However, it is a slow process, and some people want more dramatic and rapid results. That is where the HCG Diet can help.
The Bottom Line: HCG weight loss can help the body burn stored fat rather than lean muscle tissue.
What Is the HCG Diet and How Does It Help with Weight Loss?
Back in the 1950s, British doctor, A.T. Simeons discovered that obese individuals could lose body fat rather than muscle mass by the inclusion of HCG injections combined with a very low-calorie diet protocol. Obesity puts adults at risk for many other serious health concerns, such as type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, stroke, atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Simeons found that a low-calorie (500 calories a day) diet on its own would cause the body to enter starvation. In this state, the brain would relay signals to the body to maintain its stored fat for emergency use. To attain the necessary energy, the body would pull from fat stored in muscle and essential tissues rather than visceral fat stores.
Dr. Simeons introduced the use of HCG – human chorionic gonadotropin – a hormone abundant in the bloodstream of women in the first trimester of pregnancy. HCG, although naturally produced in small amounts in all men and women, increases during early pregnancy to ensure that the growing fetus could receive enough nutrition if the mother experiences nausea. HCG supports the body’s ability to burn stored fat from its reserves rather than pull it from muscle mass. This function is crucial to protect the pregnant woman as well as nourish the fetus. When used with a 500-calorie diet, the brain, tricked into thinking that the individual is not hungry, allows for the metabolizing and burning of stored fat.
How Does the HCG Diet Work for Adults?
HCG itself does not lead to weight loss. If you inject HCG while you continue to eat the same way as you always do, nothing will happen. Your body will not burn stored fat because you are still giving it the same amount of nutrition. To facilitate weight loss, you must decrease caloric intake. When you significantly reduce the amount of calories you consume, your body must look internally for added nutrition. It has two options for use:
- Visceral fat deposits
- Fat stored in muscle and other tissues
When you consume less than 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day, the brain senses starvation. Fearing impending doom, the brain forces the body to hold on to any stored fat as long as possible. The necessary deficit in nutrition then comes from a catabolic state where the body breaks down muscle mass for fuel. HCG helps create an anabolic state which preserves lean muscle and allows for the use of fat stores. Losing muscle mass reduces the appearance of a contoured and toned body. The metabolism slows down, leading to a further increase in fat storage and weight gain. By maintaining muscle mass and burning stored fat, the body loses unnecessary weight. Muscle helps improve metabolism and the energy provided by the burning of stored fat fuels the daily activities. By following the prescribed HCG Diet protocol, adults will not only lose unwanted fat but keep it from returning.
The Bottom Line: HCG weight loss allows for the burning of stored fat rather than muscle mass. You lose weight and keep it off by following the HCG Diet protocol.
Does the HCG Weight Loss Program Work Equally for Women and Men?
The HCG Diet can work for anyone – male or female. Much to the chagrin of women, men tend to lose weight at a faster pace on the HCG weight loss program. The reason – their higher level of muscle mass to fat ratio. Depending on how much weight a person has to lose, HCG injections last either three or six weeks. During that time, the individual must follow the strict dietary guidelines in Phase 2 of the HCG Diet. All dairy, carbohydrates, fats, and sugars are removed from the daily food intake, and calorie guidelines are between 500 and 700 each day. Following the end of the HCG injections, Phase 3 allows for a gradual increase of caloric intake and food choices. After a few weeks, Phase 2 may be repeated if additional weight loss is desired. Men can expect to lose anywhere from ½ to 2 pounds a day, depending on their initial weight, food intake before the diet, and metabolism. Women typically lose between ½ and 1 pound a day. An added benefit for males is that HCG also helps stimulate natural testosterone production. Improved hormone levels aid fertility, sexual functions, maintaining strong muscles and bones, and many other health benefits.
Is There a Difference between HCG Injections and HCG Drops, Sprays, and Pills?
Real HGH is only available in the form of an injectable. Everything else you may find on store shelves or advertised online falls under the “homeopathic” category. Drops, sprays, and pills do not contain real human chorionic gonadotropin and do not provide the same results. Companies capitalizing on the success of the HCG Diet offer these products for use with a very low-calorie diet. The results will not be the same as with HGH injections because the body does not receive quite the same stimulus. Many people using these products report headaches, lightheadedness, fatigue, hunger, and reduced immune system functions. Although they will lose some weight due to the caloric reduction, much of it may be from muscle mass rather than fat stores. Also, there is an increased tendency to gain back the HCG weight loss after stopping the diet. Some pharmaceutical grade drops of HCG may help, although they are often expensive and require a much higher dosage than HCG injections. When long-lasting and rapid weight loss is the goal, it is best to follow the original guidelines of the HCG Diet.
The Bottom Line: When you want rapid, long-lasting weight loss, follow the original guidelines of the HCG Diet protocol and use HCG injections.
Start Losing Weight Right Away with HCG Weight Loss
At RX Hormone, our hormone specialists help you balance your hormone levels and achieve the weight loss you desire. Whether you are looking to lose weight fast with the HCG Diet or to achieve hormonal balance while slowing ridding your body of unwanted fat, we can help. Hormonal imbalance associated with aging can lead to many health-related issues. Low hormone levels can impact your appearance, energy, brain functions, immune system, libido, and more. Find out what women and men across the US already know – that balanced hormone levels will improve your quality of life. Contact RX Hormone today for more information about HCG weight loss and hormone replacement therapy.